
natureplus - Retrofit Case Study

Hear more about the renovation of a listed farmhouse building which has been retrofitted using natural building materials including interior insulation made from local spelt chaff and lime, and reused building components to show how circular construction can be consistently realised in practice. By slowing down the process, the owners and architects enable interested people to get involved, ensuring an impact beyond the project.

Nadine Dajanović and Semjon Nicola Fehr are architects and trained earth builders, completing their master's degree in architecture with BASEhabitat at the University of Art and Design Linz. They have worked in various architectural offices in Switzerland and refined their craft skills on a range of construction sites across Europe.

You can find an overview of all events in the Europe Event Series 2024 and more information in our calendar or on the natureplus website here.

Photos: Semjon Fehr and Cornelia Spaenhauer



Natureplus e.V. is committed to the transformation of the construction sector towards climate-protecting, resource-conserving and healthy building and living - and this is only possible with sustainable building materials and construction methods.

Baubioswiss is a partner and member of natureplus.

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+41 76 620 30 07info@baubio.ch